Sud Lisboa Terrazza - Portugal


BOOKVIDEO carried out the digitalisation of the traditional menu for the "Benvenuti a Casa"  Restaurant and Pool menu. We also introduced the mobile application, perfect for viewing whilst lounging by the pool and easily accessible by simply connecting to the hotel wifi.


The flavors of our Mediterranean roots The scent of a Sunday morning in southern Italy where, at home, the Mother prepares for the "Pranzo della Festa", the aroma of Ragu (meat, wine, vegetables and tomato sauce) that spreads throughout the house and wakes us up by whetting our appetite. The colors of the garden and vegetables throughout the various seasons and the secrets that pass generations of "culinary artisans". Authentic Italian-Mediterranean cuisine. Honest food that makes us feel at home. The family atmosphere remains, as does our "sharing concept", presenting you now with more options. Group menus have also been created and for the little ones as well - everyone has their place at SUD Lisboa Terrazza.

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